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International software development boutique, creating, enhancing and maintaining software projects for hire.

About randroid


Founded in BR


Founded in US


No Panic!




Avengers Join


AGI Autonomy!

randroid is a small nimble international consultancy firm specializing in developing tailor made software solutions for its international customer base.

We are proud to work in a variety of challenging projects ranging from all sorts of technologies from mobile, desktop, web, VR/AR/XR, ML/AI, IoT, Cloud/DevOps/IaC, API, RPA, even offering CTOaaS services to some of our clients.

We assemble geographically spread talent we like to call our small team of "Avengers" (IMF - "Impossible Mission Force" - is another good analogy), and are kept in a special speed-dial secret phone in a secret location somewhere in the world and are led and directed by:

and in its current formation, the team is comprised of:


So far we have been working on a diversity of projects from a variety of verticals in Brazil (our home country), the US and Canada.

  • Big Nerd Software


    Web and Mobile screen recording/streaming platform that enables users to record their screens, webcam and audio to create video tutorials, presentations, and other types of video content to share with others online.

  • Bluemind


    Transfer Pricing SaaS platform that ingests transactional customer data in a variety of forms and performs ETL and data analysis to generate a variety of reports detailing a series of calculation models from RFB and OECD rules.

  • RSM

    HubCount / AccountBank / AccountTech

    Accounting Automation Suites implementing a variety of modules for accountants and companies alike, performing government system integrations amongst others.

  • VisaPlace

    VisaPlace / VisaScore / VisaNav / VPL / ILN / VPPN

    Immigration lawyer platform connecting potential immigrants looking to move to the US and Canada through their legal journey to get approved for either temporary or permanent types of visas.

  • Allele Network

    Commercial Engine

    Executive training e-commerce platform deliverying online courses, webinars, videos/podcasts, meet ups all using digital mediums like Virtual Reality and other telepresence conferencing systems.

  • Giant Slayer

    Streaming Platform

    Independent content streaming platform enabling content producers to distribute their movies, series and other types of programming to a diverse audience. Enables both pre-recorded, on-demand streaming as well as live streams on the web and mobile.

  • OGA/Nina

    B2B/B2C/BI Marketplace SaaS

    Digital Platform for small food producers to sell their artisanal products to a variety of customers, from restaurants and corporations to end consumers.

  • Hot Services

    Eu Faço, Eu Resolvo

    Mobile directory and referral network for regional service providers discovery, promotion, education and formalization.

  • OTM Crédito

    Institutional Web Site/App

    CRM-integrated lead generation, credit simulation, lead qualification and post-sale intermediation for companies looking for borrowing from a diverisity of financial instutions and program including private and public funds.

  • ContaChurch

    Accounting Automation Web App

    CRM/ERP-Integrated including Accounting and other financial modules tailored especifically for churches to organize their operations in a more structured and formal manner.


Feel free to contact us for any new projects, partnerships or just to say hi!

[email protected]

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